Speakout Advanced p 6. Draw Your Hand

Draw your hand

Number each finger

Inside each finger write the answers to the following questions

1. Interests, passion, vocation, leisure activities...
2. Why are you studying English?
3. Strengths and weaknesses learning English.
4. Experiences of learning English. 
5. Course expectations. Goals for this academic year.

Give your hand to your teacher.
The teacher will give you another student's hand
One student reads the answers aloud
If you hear your answers, say "this is my hand."
Explain a bit more if you wish
Other students may ask more questions
Now read the hand you have been given

All students stand up
Try to find who the hand belongs to
Move around the class asking questions.
E.g. I was wondering if you were interested in art?
When you find the student you have been looking for try to continue the conversation further.

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