Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 21 (keys only)





157. blamed Ellie for losing/having lost



158. there is nothing wrong with



159. wishes (that) he had caught



160. there was none/nothing left


161. like the idea of going/

feel like going



162. is expected to come



163. even though they have/had



164. have made a better



165. the intention of never going



166. had as much luck as



167. always been good at



168. was bleached using



169. could lend him

Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 20 (keys only)





143. to get in touch with



144. is no difference between



145. had our house broken into



146. was/is no milk left

was/is not any milk left



147. are up for sale/

are on sale


(up) for sale: available to be bought


on sale: 

1. available to be bought

  • Tickets are on sale from the booking office.
  • The new model goes on sale next month


2. being offered at a reduced price

  • All video equipment is on sale today and tomorrow.



148. said to be more than



149. good at playing



150. am in total agreement with



151. no comparison between/of



152. take care of/

mind taking care of



153. is said to be



154. were prevented from leaving



155. has been investigated by



156. give me a hand/

give/ lend me a helping hand

  • I'm sorry, it's not for sale.
  • They've put their house up for sale.
  • Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 19 (keys only)





    129. I were you I would



    130. costs nothing to travel



    131. losing her temper



    132. not used to meeting



    133. accused him of taking



    134. turned out/up for



    135. had her wedding pictures taken



    136. spends hardly any / hardly spends any



    137. give a full description of



    138. had her bag stolen



    139. was called off because



    140. so that he would not



    141. had no idea that



    142. he would rather not drive

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 18 (keys only)





    115. unless he ran he would/

    if he ran he would not



    116. know the cost



    117. (that) Tom could be



    118. so that he can buy



    119. reputation does the school have/

    reputation has the school got



    120. until he had finished all



    121. made me go



    122. did not have the intention of insulting



    123. should take advantage of



    124. the length of this pool



    125. (match) instead of the



    126. cancelled as a result of



    127. admitted to having broken



    128. have the ability to

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 17 (keys only)




    101. suggested going to a restaurant


    102. can run as fast as / runs as fast as


    103. we had gone to see


    104. is said to have developed

    105. I were you, I would



    106. apologised for having to




    107. high time you had



    108. taking care of



    109. has given up playing



    110. has not changed since



    111. provided it’s not/

    it has stopped



    112. had no intention of forgetting



    113. he was sorry for having/he was sorry to (have)



    114. present at

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 16 (keys only)




    85. did nothing but


    86. would like to learn (how)


    87. if I had seen


    88. was called off


    89. pays (any) attention to


    90. if she could lend him


    91. despite (his) not being/

    despite the fact that he is not 


    92. very efficient at/in recycling


    93. took my scarf, didn’t

    94. never seen such a big / never seen so big a


    95. both Mike and John are


    96. rather you shut


    97. in spite of (his) being


    98. made a good impression on


    99. apologised for not calling/having called


    100. advised him to see a

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 15 (keys only)




    72. is not far from the


    73. been good at dealing


    74. why she hadn’t seen


    75. accused Daniel of copying/having copied


    76. did not succeed in finishing


    77. in total agreement with


    78. has been reduced by


    79. it will be impossible for


    80. to have his portrait painted


    81. has not travelled abroad


    82. if she had not helped


    83. was the first time (that)


    84. himself to be

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 14 (keys only)




    58. cut down on the number

    59. still waiting for


    60. the second time I


    61. was anything else


    62. take a look at


    63. wish I had gone


    64. have been married for


    65. refused to let her pay


    66. only student who didn’t


    67. how rude Donald was


    68. is used to looking after


    69. took place even though/despite the fact that/ although


    70. have been many changes in


    71. we would not have argued

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 13 (keys only)




     44. gave a detailed description


    45. no doubt (that) he will


    46. in order to


    47. until she had painted


    48. was having my hair done


    49. did not succeed in convincing 


    50. ended the concert with


    51. has been a/one month since / 

    was a/one month ago that



    52. following his appearance


    53. how much it cost


    54. did not have to do

    needn't have done (the person did the dishes but it wasn't necessary)

    didn't need to do (the person did not do the dishes because it was not necessary)


    55. dressed in such


    56. number of visitors


    57. succeeded in finishing

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 12 (keys only)



    27. are responsible for keeping


    28. in case it is/gets


    29. are not allowed/permitted to take

    must not take


    30. does this shoe belong to


    31. is a faster runner


    32. is expected to get

    33. is not easy for Sophie


    34. isn't worth trying


    35. is supposed to be


    36. is unlikely that there will


    37. possible for us to go


    38. made a note of his


    39. have not seen Lucy for


    40. only a few


    41. one piece is / one of the pieces is


    42. can’t tell the difference


    43. has a tendency to get

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 11 (keys only)







     14. too expensive for Jane to


    15. is unusual for Jack to


    16. as long as he was


    17. was better than


    18. gets on (well) with / gets along with


    19. doesn’t feel like eating


    20. be a better job than


    21. twice as long


    22. no point in trying

    23. is the same size as


    24. not like her to be

    25. had a discussion about what


    26. can’t still be

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 10 (keys only)

    1. caught the virus apart from




    2. going to be pulled down/ being pulled down




    3. being spoken to rudely




    4. didn't cost as much as




    5. there was no point in




    6. type any faster than




    7. didn’t deserve to be




    8. last time Emily ate




    9. is included in


    10. may/might not have recognised



    11. want anyone else to come


    12. were cancelled due to


    13. in case your car gets/is

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations Exercise 4 (Keys only)




    43. will hardly notice such

    44. can't stand being lied

    45. you mind giving me

    46. made known his intention
    made it known that he intends

    47. on taking over from Paul

    48. the possibility of rain in

    49. leave John behind unless he

    50. sooner had we escaped than

    Open World p 197. Transformations Exercise 3. Extra Practice (Keys only)

    43. no need to have

    44. more to do with  his/a

    45. it was (about/high) time (that) he took

    46. recognized Takeshi due to

    47. would rather have/we had gone

    48. since they stopped seeing each other

    49. not have kept that information from

    50. would have/get the rubbish taken

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations Exercise 2. Extra Practice (Keys only)

    43 why/how it was/could be stolen so

    44. has no intention of giving

    45. made a change to learn something

    46. though he was/is used to speaking

    47. not trying to get along/on

    48. to take no

    49. no matter how tough it may/might

    50. was not (wasn't) in the mood
    was in no mood

    Open World p 197. Key Word Transformations. Exercise 1. Extra Practice. (Keys only)


    had/ got the impression that Sue
    was under the impression that Sue

    his reputation for being
    having a reputation for being

    no circumstances are you allowed to
    no circumstances is it allowed to
    no circumstances can you
    no circumstances may you
    no circumstances should you
    no circumstances must you

    as if you did not have/get

    can't possibly have run

    and I have a difference of

    her not to pay attention to
    her to pay/give no attention to

    there is not much chance of
    there is little chance of