Open World WB p 56. Key Word Transformations

 Do Ex 1

there’s no knowing: it is impossible to know  


There was no knowing who might have read the letter.

Open World WB p 54. Multiple Choice Cloze

 Do the multiple choice cloze

swarm/swɔːm/ + adv./prep. (often disapproving) (of people, animals, etc.) to move around in a large group.


Stratford is swarming with tourists Sp. Stratford está plagado de turistas
journalists swarmed around her Sp. los periodistas se arremolinaban alrededor de ella
children swarmed all over the car Sp. había niños pululando alrededor del coche

Tourists were swarming all over the island.     

Police swarmed into the building

The crowd swarmed towards the movie star. Sp. La multitud se movió en manada en dirección a la estrella de cine. 

conversely adv    (on the other hand)    en cambio loc adv           por el contrario loc adv      


Pearl loves steaks; conversely, her husband is a vegetarian. Sp. A Pearl le encantan los filetes; en cambio, su marido es vegetariano.

Open World WB p 42. Open Cloze

 Do Ex 1

regard: respect for somebody/something

He held her in high regard (= had a good opinion of her).
regard for somebody/something I had great regard for his abilities.
Children no longer have proper regard for their parents and teachers.


idolise: (also idolize) /ˈaɪdəlaɪz/

idolise somebody to admire or love somebody very much, possibly too much. Synonym: worship. Sp. idolatrar.       


a pop star idolized by millions of fans     

They idolize their kids.     

Young children often idolize their parents 

conceive: to imagine something.

(cannot) conceive of (doing) something  Many people can’t conceive of a dinner without meat or fish. 

conceive (that)… I cannot conceive (= I do not believe) (that) he would wish to harm us. 

conceive what/how, etc… I cannot conceive what it must be like.

the elephant in the room: ​a problem or question that everyone knows about but does not mention because it is easier not to discuss it.


The elephant in the room was the money that had to be paid in bribes.         

There’s a big elephant in the room and it’s gun control.