Speakout Advanced p 6. Key and Vocabulary

Lead-in: an introduction to a subject, story, show, etc. E.g. He told an amusing story as a lead-in to his speech.

Ex 1A

1. changed

2. according

According to: E.g. according to Mick, it's a great movie. You've been absent six times according to our records.

Research: He has carried out extensive research (uncountable) into renewable energy sources. To do/conduct/undertake research.

3. the

4. It's being suggested

Suggest: /səˈdʒest/ E.g.  It has been suggested that bright children take/ should take their exams early. It's being suggested that higher taxes on alcohol will reduce crime. 

Recall: /rɪˈkɔːl/ to remember something. Recollect. E.g. She could not recall his name. If I recall correctly, he lives in Luton. I can't recall meeting her before.

5. to forget

6. might

7. get hold of

Get hold of something to find something that you want or need. E.g. I need to get hold of Tom's address. It's almost impossible to get hold of tickets for the final. The police do not know how the boy got hold of the knife. How did the press get hold of the story?

8. remembering

9. Interestingly

Interestingly: E.g. Interestingly, there are very few recorded cases of such attacks. Usage note. 

Malleable: /ˈmæliəbl/ 1. a malleable metal or substance is easy to press into different shapes. E.g. a malleable metal can be beaten into a sheet. 2. a malleable person is easy to persuade or influence. E.g. they are as malleable and easily led as sheep. 

Look to somebody for something/ look to somebody to do something: (formal) to rely on or expect somebody to provide something or do something. E.g. We are looking to you for help. We have always looked to "experts" to remember things for us.

10. on

Rely on/upon: E.g. These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work. 

Ex 1B

1. according

2. changed

3. to forget

4. interestingly

5. the

6. get hold of

7. might

8. It's being suggested

9. remembering

10. on


1. interesting of things

2. for five years

3. I know

4. anybody

5. It's

6. in the last few years

7. warm enough

8. living


a. 3

b. 7

c. 4

d. 2

e. 5

f. 8

g. 6



1. seek

Fierce: /fɪəs/ angry and aggressive in a way that is frightening. E.g. a fierce dog. Two fierce eyes glared (glare: to look at somebody/something in an angry way) at them. He suddenly looked fierce. She spoke in a fierce whisper. The more she struggled, the fiercer he became.

Seek /siːk/ sought, sought /sɔːt/: to look for something/somebody. E.g. Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes. They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.

2. bought

3. aware

4. bear


1. badge

Badge: /bædʒ/ a small piece of metal or plastic, with a design or words on it, that a person wears to show that they belong to an organization, support something, have achieved something, have a particular rank, etc. E.g. She wore a badge saying ‘Vote for Obama’. All employees have to wear name badges.

Batch: /bætʃ/ 1. a number of people or things that are dealt with as a group. Sp. lote, tanda, remesa. E.g. Each summer a new batch of students tries to find work. He worked his way through the batch of letters on his desk. We deliver the goods in batches. 2 an amount of food, medicine, etc. produced at one time. Sp.a batch of cookies. Loaves of bread baked in batches of 20. It is necessary to make new batches of flu vaccine whenever a different, virulent strain (strain: type of a disease) of flu makes an appearance. 

2. this'll

Thistle: /ˈθɪsl/ a wild plant with leaves with sharp points and purple, yellow or white flowers made up of a mass of narrow petals pointing upwards. The thistle is the national symbol of Scotland. Sp. cardo.

This'll: /ðɪsl/

3. off

Of: /əv/ /ɒv/

Off: /ɒf/

4. vision

Vision: /ˈvɪʒn/ 

Fission: /ˈfɪʃn/ (physics) the process of dividing an atom in order to create energy. (Biology) the process in which a cell divides into two or more parts. 

5. rice

rice: /raɪs/
rise: /raɪz/

6. pig


1. get

Get across (to somebody)/ get something across (to somebody) to be communicated or understood; to succeed in communicating something. E.g Your meaning didn't really get across. He's not very good at getting his ideas across.

2. come

Come across somebody/something: [no passive] to meet or find somebody/something by chance. E.g. I came across children sleeping under bridges. She came across some old photographs in a drawer.

Come across (also come over): 1 to be understood. E.g. He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn't really come across. 2 to make a particular impression. E.g. She comes across well in interviews. He came over as a sympathetic person.

3. look

4. make

5. carry

6. hold

7. watch

8. work

Work something out: 1 to calculate something. E.g. to work out the answer. 2. to find the answer to something. Solve. E.g. to work out a problem.

Ex 5 
Sign in/out (also sign somebody in/out) to write your/somebody's name when you arrive at or leave an office, a club, etc. E.g. All visitors must sign in on arrival. You must sign guests out when they leave the club.

Bunch: /bʌntʃ/ 1 [countable] bunch of something a number of things of the same type which are growing or fastened together. E.g. a bunch of bananas/grapes, etc. A bunch of keys. She picked me a bunch of flowers. 2 [singular] a bunch (of something) (informal) a large amount of something; a large number of things or people. E.g. I have a whole bunch of stuff to do this morning.

Turn up: 1 to be found, especially by chance, after being lost. E.g. Don't worry about the letter—I'm sure it'll turn up. 2 (of a person) to arrive. E.g. We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned up.

In/with regard to somebody/something: (formal) concerning somebody/something. E.g. a country's laws in regard to human rights. The company's position with regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts.

Subject /ˈsʌbdʒekt/ (adj) 1 subject to something likely to be affected by something, especially something bad. E.g. Flights are subject to delay because of the fog. Smokers are more subject to heart attacks than non-smokers. 2  subject to something/somebody under the authority of something/somebody. E.g. as a diplomat, he is not subject to local laws.

Fulfilment: /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ 1. a feeling of happiness and satisfaction, especially because you are doing something important or using your abilities. E.g. Being a doctor gives me a real sense of fulfilment. The fulfilment of a dream. To find personal fulfilment. 2. the act of doing or achieving something that is promised or expected. Sp. cumplimiento, realización. E.g. Is there anything that might interfere with the fulfilment of your duties? 3. the act of something happening or being made to happen. E.g. the fulfilment of a prediction/prophecy. 

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