Empower p 34. Summarise Your Views. Listening

1 The younger generations are not willing to pay to download music, this is why CD sales are at their lowest (1)______. (2)  ____________, the only alternative for the music industry has been to totally transform its (3) ______________________.                     
2 We enjoyed some (4) ____________________________ at the conference. The hotel was incredible and we enjoyed the meal! (5) _______________, it was really worth it.                                                                        
3 (6) _____________ take news from authentic journalism and write comments. They (7)_________ write any original reports on their own. So what I’m (8) ____________________________is that we wouldn't have news were it not for authentic journalism.
4 Sales of the game (9) ____________________ in May, (10)________ again in July and increased (11)____________ at the end of the year. (12) ______________, this year has been amazing.
5 It has been reported that the youth believe in (13) _______________. They are known to share (14)_________ of their private lives (15)_________________ online. (16) _________________, the youth don’t seem to keep themselves to themselves as much as their ancestors did.
6 We had come up with a great product, so (17) ______________ it was expected to be a success hadn't it been for (18) _______________________. On top of all that, we (19)__________ money. And to make matters worse, a competitor stole the idea. (20) _____________, it was a complete disaster.


(1) ebb
The ebb: /eb/ the period of time when the sea flows away from the land. E.g. the ebb tide.
at a low ebb: in a poor state; worse than usual. E.g. Morale among teachers is at a low ebb.

(2) Basically /ˈbeɪsɪkli/

(3) business model

(4) great presentations

(5) So overall

(6) Bloggers

(7) hardly

(8)  really saying

(9)  soared

soar: go up rapidly. If the value, amount or level of something soars, it rises very quickly. E.g. Unemployment has soared to 18%.

(10) jumped
jump: to rise suddenly by a large amount. Leap. E.g. jump by… Prices jumped by 60% last year. Jump (from…) (to…) Sales jumped from $2.7 billion to $3.5 billion.

(11) dramatically /drəˈmætɪkli/

(12) To sum up



(15) enthusiastically /ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪkli/

(16) In conclusion

(17) logically  /ˈlɒdʒɪkli/

(18)technical problems

(19) ran out of
run out (of something) to use up or finish a supply of something. E.g. We ran out of fuel. Could I have a cigarette? I seem to have run out. 

(20) All in all
All in all: on the whole. E.g. all in all it’s been a good year.   
Summing up an argument 
In conclusion, the study has provided useful insights into the issues relating to people's perception of crime. 
Based on this study, it can be concluded that the introduction of new street lighting did not reduce reported crime.
To sum up, no evidence can be found to support the view that improved street lighting reduces reported crime.
The available evidence clearly leads to the conclusion that the media do have an influence on the public perception of crime.
The main conclusion to be drawn from this study is that public perception of crime is significantly influenced by crime news reporting. 
This study has shown that people's fear of crime is out of all proportion to crime itself.
Fear of crime is out of all proportion to the actual level of crime, and the reasons for this can be summarized as follows. First… 
Overall/In general, women are more likely than men to feel insecure walking alone after dark.
Basically, their goal is to promote healthier eating habits.
So what I'm really saying is that there isn't one diet out there that is the best. In essence, you have to do what works for you.
All in all: on the whole. E.g. all in all it’s been a good year. 

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