Speakout Advanced p 82. Adjectives and Adverbs. Word Formation. Speaking

A Have a conversation as natural as possible with a partner about the topic. Use the pictures above and the questions below to help you.

1. What school subject(s) do you consider pointless to study? What English exercises seem absolutely pointless to do in class?
2. Do you think the education standards are unsatisfactory nowadays? What standards should we try to raise: standards in literacy, mathematics standards, history standards, science standards, technology standards, behavioural standards, others?
3. Would you define any of your friends as approachable people? Why (not)? Chatty? Provocative? If so, in what ways? Imaginative? Knowledgeable? What are they knowledgeable about?


Student A
1. Are you allergic to anything? Do you know anyone who is allergic to dust mites /some kind of food? Do you know anyone who suffers from hay fever? If so, what are their symptoms?
2. Did you use to have endless arguments with your parents about anything in particular when you were younger?
3. Have you ever got hopelessly lost? What happened?

Student B  
1. What is the most unbelievable lie you have ever told?

2. Can you mention any shops where the shop assistants are unhelpful and discourteous?  Any autonomous government departments where the government employees are, too?
3. Do you know any incompetent people? If so, what makes you think they are incompetent?

Mite:/maɪt/a very small creature like a spider that lives on plants, animals, carpets, etc. E.g. house dust mites (ácaros).

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