Speakout Advanced p 58. Radio Discussion about Marriage. Extra Listening


You will hear part of a radio discussion about marriage in Britain. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits best according to what you hear.


1.    According to Julie, why did she and Peter get married?
  1. They both felt pressured to do so by their parents.
  2. She felt morally obliged to accept Peter’s proposal.
  3. It seemed an appropriate course of action to take.
  4. They hoped to inject more romance into their relationship.
2.    What does Julie say was Peter’s initial attitude towards the wedding?
  1. He did not want a religious service.
  2. He was more enthusiastic than Julie.
  3. He was concerned about the expense.
  4. He wanted it to be a small-scale event.
3.    Bryan and Chrissie both felt that their relationship
  1. did not meet with their parents’ approval.
  2. might have ended if they had not got married.
  3. suffered as a result of financial problems.
  4. could become stronger with time.
4.    What does Julie say about arguments with her husband?
  1. They do not have long-lasting effects.
  2. They nearly ruined their honeymoon.
  3. They can become quite violent.
  4. They tend to go on for quite some time.
5.    According to Bryan, what has created most problems in his current marriage?
  1. working long hours.
  2. selling his business
  3. living in a small flat.
  4. having three children.
6.    For a marriage to survive, Julie believes that couples need to be
  1. optimistic.
  2. honest.
  3. flexible.
  4. decisive.









Hasten: /ˈheɪsən/ to say or do sth without delay: E.g. He has been described as a ‘charmless bore’—not by me, I hasten to add. Apresurarse.
Turn down: to reject or refuse. Rechazar.
The whole works: everything available. The whole thing. The whole shebang /ʃɪˈbæŋ/.
Lavish: large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of money. Extravagant. E.g. lavish gifts / celebrations. They lived a very lavish lifestyle.
Statement: declaration
Allowance: an amount of money that is given to sb regularly or for a particular purpose.
Besotted:/biˈsɒtɪd/ besotted (by / with sb/sth) loving sb/sth so much that you do not behave in a sensible way: E.g. He is completely besotted with his new girlfriend. Locamente enamorado. Chiflado.
Strain: pressure, tension, worry, anxiety.
Prove to be: turn out: resultar.
Restricted: limited
Truthful: honest
Stick at sth:to continue to work in a serious and determined way to achieve sth:
If you want to play an instrument well, you’ve got to stick at it. Persevere /ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪə/. Perseverar.

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