Open World SB p 27. Social Etiqueette in the UK. Real World Video. Listening

 1. This advice will prevent language learners from causing offence ___________.

2. It is always better to ____________ on the side of politeness. 

3. One very British __________________ is that they tend to apologise excessively.

4. Never ______________ the importance of queueing in the UK.

5. British people are less ____________

6. To get into your host family's good books, you'd better mind your manners and offer to help with the everyday _____________

7. Having your phone on the table while having dinner is definitely ____________ upon in most homes.


1. inadvertently /ˌɪnədˈvɜːtntli/

by accident; without intending to. Synonym: unintentionally.


We had inadvertently left without paying the bill. 

2. err

err on the side of something ​to show too much of a good quality in order to avoid showing too little. Sp. pecar de...


I thought it was better to err on the side of caution (= to be too careful rather than take a risk). Sp. pecar de precavido -a




3. peculiarity



4. underestimate




5. tactile /ˈtæktaɪl/

a tactile person likes to touch people, for example when talking to them. 


He's a very tactile man (= he enjoys touching people).



6. chores



7. frowned

frown on/upon somebody/something to disapprove of someone or something, especially someone’s behaviour.  Sp. ver/mirar algo con malos ojos


Second marriages were frowned upon. Sp. Los segundos matrimonios estaban mal vistos



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