Open World p 10. Personal Experiences. Speaking

A) Interaction

1. Can you tell us about a truly memorable occasion?

2. When was the last time you felt slightly embarrassed? Have you ever felt acutely embarrassed?  

3. When was the last time you had to apologise profusely

4. How do you wind down at the end of the week? What do you do to unwind after a long day at work?

5. Have you ever had to call in sick?

6. Do you normally keep the receipts? Do you have a system to keep them?

7. What course would you sign up for if you found yourself between jobs?

8. How do people feel when you compliment them on something?

9. Have you ever received an unexpected compliment on something you did?

10. Do you know a couple who complement each other nicely?

11. When learning new words do you think that examples are the ideal complement to the definitions?

12. What suggestions have you recently agreed in principle with, but you are not sure they will actually work in reality?


B) Monologue 

Student A  

1. When was the last time you hardly slept a wink? Why?

2. What do you enjoy doing on your day off?

3. Have you ever messed up? What happened? 

Student B

1. What teacher explanations have stuck with you? 

2. Have you ever made a complete fool of yourself in front of others?

3. Tell us about an altogether pleasurable experience you have had


acutely /əˈkjuːtli/ very

profusely /prəˈfjuːsli/

in large amounts


to bleed profusely
to apologize profusely

not get/have a wink of sleep | not sleep a wink

​to not be able to sleep


I didn't get a wink of sleep last night.
I hardly slept a wink. 

complement /ˈkɒmplɪment/ (V)
to add to something in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive. If one thing complements another, the two things work or look better because they are together:

The different flavours complement each other perfectly.

The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list.
The team needs players who complement each other.
The flavours in the dish complement each other perfectly.

complement /ˈkɒmplɪment/ (N)

complement (to something) a thing that adds new qualities to something in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive.

This vegetable's natural sweetness is a perfect complement to salty or rich foods.

in principle /ˈprɪnsəpl/ 

1. If something can be done in principle, there is no good reason why it should not be done although it has not yet been done and there may be some difficulties. Theoretically.


In principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one day. 


2. If you agree to something in principle, you agree about a general plan or idea but have not yet considered the details. In general but not in detail.


They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms.

I agree with you in principle, but we'll need to discuss the details.

They have accepted the idea in principle. 

The government has agreed in principle to a referendum

stick with somebody

to remain in someone’s memory.


Those words will stick with me for the rest of my life. 


mess up | mess something up
to fail at something or do it badly.

to spoil or ruin something, especially something important or something that has been carefully planned.


I've really messed up this time.
If you cancel now you'll mess up all my arrangements.

It took me ages to get this right – I don’t want some idiot to mess it up.  

She felt she’d messed up her whole life  

This is your last chance, so don't mess up!      Sp. Es tu última oportunidad, ¡no la eches a perder!


make a fool of yourself  

To do something stupid that you feel embarrassed about afterwards and that makes you seem silly  


Sorry I made such a fool of myself last night. I must have been drunk.

altogether /ˌɔːltəˈɡeðə(r)/

1. (used to emphasize something) completely; in every way.


The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether.
I don't altogether agree with you.
I am not altogether happy (= I am very unhappy) about the decision.
It was an altogether different situation.
I’m not altogether convinced, I’m afraid

This is a different matter altogether 

But that's a different story altogether 

2. used to give a total number or amount. In total.


You owe me £68 altogether

We have invited fifty people altogether.



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