Ready for CAE p 52. The Fast Track to Burnout. Vocabulary


To promote: to raise someone to a higher or more important position or Rank.

Income: money that is earned from doing work or received from investments.

To turn out: to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one.

To show off: to behave in a way which is intended to attract attention or admiration, and which other people often find annoying.

To cope with: to deal successfully with a difficult situation.

To relate to: to understand a situation or someone’s feelings because you have experienced a similar situation or similar feelings.

Overload: to put too large a load in or on something.

To turn one’s back on: to refuse to help someone.

Grudges: a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, which often lasts for a long time To bear no grudges: No guardar rencor.

To get sucked in: to cause someone or something to gradually become involved in an an unpleasant situation or harmful activity.

To quit: to leave.

MBA: Abbreviation for Master of Business Administration: an advanced degree in business, or a person who has this.

To snap up: to immediately accept someone’s offer to join your company or team because you want them very much.

Retail: the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in small quantities.

Stage: a part of an activity or a period of development.

Implementation: To implement: to put a plan or system into operation:.

Unforeseen: unexpected.

Problems ARISE

Appraisal: when an employee meets with their manager or employer to discuss their progress, aims and needs at work.

Rating: a measurement of how good or popular someone or something is.

Devastating: making someone very shocked and upset.

To set up: to formally establish a new company, organization, system, way of working, etc.

Recruitment: To recruit: to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, especially the army.

Flourishing: To flourish: to grow or develop successfully.

Perks: INFORMAL an advantage or benefit, such as money or goods, which you are given because of your job.

Burden: something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about.

A cog in a / the machine: a member of a large organization whose job, although necessary, makes them feel unimportant.

Burnout: extreme tiredness usually caused by working too much.

To step into one’s shoes: to take someone’s place, often by doing the job they have just left.

Developing countries: describes a country or area of the world which is poorer and has less advanced industries, especially in Africa, Latin America or Asia.

Worthwhile: useful, important or beneficial enough to be a suitable reward for the money or time spent or the effort made.

To sign up: to sign a document saying that you will work for someone or do a particular job or activity.

Leading: very important or most important.

To admit TO + -ing

To rise through / from the ranks: to be moved up from a low level position in an organization to a higher one.

Overtime: (time spent working) beyond the usual time needed or expected in a job.

Reluctant: not very willing to do something and therefore slow to do it.

Flawless: perfect or without mistakes.

Utterly: completely, extremely.

To mystify: to confuse someone by being or doing something very strange or impossible to explain.

To talk sby out of sthg: to persuade someone not to do something.

To resent: to be angry about and to dislike being forced to accept something or someone annoying. Resentment: noun.

To alienate: to make someone feel that they are different and do not belong to a group.

To update: to give someone the most recent information.

To withhold: to refuse to give something or to keep back something.

To hand in: to give something to someone in a position of authority.

To hand in / to give in your notice: to tell your employer that you intend to leave your job after a particular period of time.

Flexi-time: a system of working in which people work a set number of hours within a fixed period of time, but can vary the time they start or finish work.

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