Open World p 34. Introducing Your Favourite Travel Destination. Guidebook Entry. Task

Write a guidebook entry


Task description: 


The BBC travel website has asked readers to write a contribution to a guidebook for a section called Introducing Your Favourite Travel Destination. Think of a place you have enjoyed visiting and write about it. You may want to include: how to get there, places to visit, things to do, what and where to eat, places to stay, information about the history of the place, or any other piece of information that you consider relevant.

Write about 200 words

Write your guidebook entry

Sample answers:

Open World p 34. Introducing Lisbon. Guidebook Entry. Extra Word Formation.

Open World p 34. A Contribution To a Guidebook On Food Trends. Word Formation

A travel guide about Bangkok 

The 26 Most Beautiful Towns in America

The German town encrusted with diamonds

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