Ready for C1 p 13. Rewarding Children. Speaking


A. Interaction

1. Is it necessary for parents to set strict boundaries

2. How demanding should teachers be?

3. When would you generously reward your son or your daughter?

4. Do we sometimes confuse reward with bribe? Can you think of any examples of students who are "bribed" to do well at school?

5. Imagine a child who is slow to get ready for school, or a child who is always rude, or who is constantly fighting. Do you think rewards can help parents with these behaviour problems? If so, what kind of rewards would you give them? Can you think of other occasions when rewarding a child can improve a situation?

6. Do you think that children also have to do their duty without expecting to be rewarded? What is a child’s duty?

7. Do students work harder when they know they will be rewarded for their effort? Can the lack of rewards for hard work compound a problem?

8. Apart from promoting hard work through tangible rewards, how can teachers also foster internal motivation that will encourage a student to want to do their best?

B. Monologue

Partner A

1. Do you think too many rewards can spoil a child? Where is the limit?

2. Must all rewards be material rewards? Is there any other kind of rewards?

3. Must we reward children every time they behave well? When are rewards the most effective?

Partner B

1. Were you ever offered rewards as a child or as a teenager? If so, do you remember what rewards you earned? Did you deserve them? What were you rewarded for? Did they help you to improve?

2. Were you ever given a reward at school? If so, what did it consist of? Did it encourage you to work harder?

3. Should rewards be based on exam performance or should they be offered in recognition of a child's effort, regardless of results?

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