Moodle in Advanced 2
Ready for CAE p 18. Times Change. Speaking
Useful language
Dustcart (Br E) garbage truck (Am E): a vehicle for collecting rubbish / garbage from outside houses, etc
Can: a metal container for food and drink.
Dustman: (also informal: binman; formal: refuse collector; NAmE: garbage man): a person whose job is to remove waste from outside houses, etc
In the old days the radio was called the wireless. You can say for example: I heard it on the wireless.
The whole family gathered round the Radio
In the past people used to listen to the radio. Nowadays we usually watch TV.
They had to tune the radio dial whereas we switch TV channels.
Our generation has witnessed a significant change.
We are faced with the need to adjust to change.
Younger generations in particular adjust effortlessly. They are used to life at a high-speed.
Some people adapt easily in a shorter period of time.
Sometimes older generations struggle to cope with change.
Since the invention of the internet our lifestyles have changed significantly
The invention of the atomic bomb brought about a dramatic change and not precisely for the better.
Mobile phones have completely transformed our social habits.
Electricity brought far-reaching prosperity. However, the old paradigm can't be sustained.
The invention of the wheel really transformed the world. It immediately led to a sweeping change (having an important effect on a large part of sth)
When people learned to control fire, certain routines changed drastically. For instance they varied their diets.
Ready for CAE p 18. Times Change Photos. Vocabulary
More Vocabulary:
The Grid: a system of electric wires or pipes carrying gas, for sending power over a large area:
the national grid (= the electricity supply in a country)
Daily: (also daily help) (old-fashioned, BrE) a person employed to come to sb’s house each day to clean it and do other jobs
Beat beat, beaten: defeat
Dustpan: a small flat container with a handle into which dust is brushed from the floor.
Win (sth) hands down(informal): to win sth very easily.
Drudgery: hard boring work (trabajo pesado). Find examples here
Pursue: try to achieve sth
Core: most important; main or essential
Wary: cautious. Careful when dealing with sb/sth because you think that there may be a danger or problem. (cauteloso)
Appeal: a quality that makes sb/sth attractive or interesting (atractivo, encanto)
Scarcity: if there is a scarcity of sth, there is not enough of it and it is difficult to obtain it. Shortage (escasez)
Tradesman: shopkeeper (comerciante). A skilled person (artesano).
Kick-start: to do sth to help a process or project start more quickly. E.g. The government’s attempt to kick-start the economy has failed (Activar)
About: (place) is anyone about? ¿hay alguien?
is Mr Brown about? ¿está por aquí el Sr. Brown?
Mayhem: confusion and fear (caos)
Ready for CAE p 18. Listening Vocabulary
- buried underground
- nineteen hundreds
- keep proper records
- props
- on earth
- lack of
- basement
- crypt
- real items of jewellery
- beer
For safekeeping: protection from harm, damage or loss.
To keep proper records:
•proper: suitable for this purpose or situation.
•records: information kept about something that has happened.
Props: a piece of furniture or small object used in a play or film. Atrezzo.
Basement: the part of a building that is partly or completely below the level of the ground.
Newsreels: a news report on film that was shown in cinemas in the past.
Papier-mâché /ˌpæpieɪ ˈmæʃeɪ/(French for 'chewed-up paper' due to its appearance), sometimes called paper-mâché, is a construction material that consists of pieces of paper, sometimes reinforced with textiles, stuck together using a wet paste (e.g., glue). The crafted object becomes solid when the paste dries
Ready for CAE WB p 5. Is This Your Idea of Fun? Vocabulary
L2 Remarkable /rɪˈmɑː(r)kəb(ə)l/
unusual in a way that surprises or impresses you
The play has been a remarkable success.
Her mother made a remarkable recovery.
a remarkable achievement/feat/performance
remarkable that:
It’s remarkable that no one has complained about this system before.
remarkable about:
There’s nothing particularly remarkable about the film.
remarkable for:
The standard of craftsmanship is remarkable for bronze work of this date.
L5 amateur /ˈæmətə(r)/
L9 tour /tʊə(r)/
L 11 peer /pɪə(r)/ someone who belongs to the same social or professional group as another person
Circuit /’sɜ:r)kɪt/ a journey all the way around the edge of something
commute /kə’mju:t/ the journey to and from work every day
crossing /’krɒsɪŋ/ a journey by boat across a river or sea
cruise /kru:z/a journey on a ship for pleasure, especially one that involves visiting a series of places
day trip
a journey that you make for pleasure in which you go to a place and come back on the same day
drive /draɪv/ a journey in a car
excursion /ɪk’skɜ:(r)ʃ(ə)n/ a short journey that you take for pleasure
expedition /,ekspə’dɪʃ(ə)n/ a long journey organized for a particular purpose, especially to a dangerous or distant place
expedition /,ekspə’dɪʃ(ə)n/a short journey somewhere, especially for pleasure
exploration /,eksplə’reɪʃ(ə)n/a journey to a place to learn about it or to search for something valuable such as oil
flight /flaɪt/ a journey through air or space in a vehicle such as a plane
foray /’fɒreɪ/ a short journey
the grand tour /tʊə(r)/ a journey to the most important cities in Europe that young men from rich families made in the past
guided tour /tʊə(r)/ a short journey around a building or place with a person who tells you about what you are seeing or with a pair of headphones on which you can listen to a recorded description of what you are seeing
hajj /hædʒ/ a journey to the holy city of Mecca that Muslims make as a religious duty
hop /hɒp/a short journey
jaunt /dʒɔ:nt/ a short journey that you take for fun
journey /’dʒɜ:(r)ni/ an occasion when you travel from one place to another, especially when there is a long distance between the places
junket /’dʒʌŋkɪt/ a journey or meeting that people say is for business but is really for pleasure
mercy mission a journey that is made to help someone who is in danger or is having serious problems
milk round a regular journey that someone makes in order to deliver milk to people’s homes
milk run a regular journey during which nothing unusual happens, especially by plane
milk run a plane or train journey with stops at many places
mystery tour a short journey, usually in a bus, that people make for pleasure without knowing where they are going
odyssey /’ɒdəsi/ a long journey during which many things happen
outing /’aʊtɪŋ/ a short journey that you take for enjoyment
overnighter /,əʊvə(r)’naɪtə(r)/ a journey lasting one night
passage /’pæsɪdʒ/ a journey or a ticket for a journey by ship to a place
peregrination /,perəɡrɪ’neɪʃ(ə)n/ a long journey
pilgrimage /’pɪlɡrɪmɪdʒ/ a journey that a religious person makes to a holy place
red-eye a journey in a plane that flies late at night
ride /raɪd/ a journey on a horse or other animal, on a bicycle or motorcycle, or in a vehicle
ride /raɪd/ a free journey that you are given in someone’s vehicle. The usual British word is lift
road trip a long journey in a car
round trip a journey to a place and back again
row /rəʊ/ a short journey in a rowing boat
run /rʌn/ a journey that a train, ship etc does regularly
run /rʌn/ a short journey that you do in a car for pleasure
sally /’sæli/a journey, especially one with a definite purpose
schlep /ʃlep/ a long and difficult journey
the school run the journey by car to school each morning and back home each afternoon
sortie /’sɔ:(r)ti/ a short journey away from a place
space flight a journey into space
spin /spɪn/ a short journey for pleasure in a car
swing /swɪŋ/ a quick journey through an area in which you make short visits to several places
test drive a short journey in which you drive a car to decide whether you want to buy it
tour /tʊə(r)/ a journey in which you visit several places for pleasure
tour /tʊə(r)/ a journey in which a person or group visits several different places in order to play or perform
tour /tʊə(r)/ a short journey around a building or place in order to see what is there
tour /tʊə(r)/ a journey in which a politician or leader visits several places as a representative of their country or in order to get support
trip /trɪp/ an occasion when you go somewhere and come back again
voyage /’vɔɪɪdʒ/ a long journey, especially by boat or into space
walkabout /’wɔ:kə,baʊt/ a long journey made through the Australian outback (=areas that are far from cities or towns and are not used for growing crops) by aborigines for religious and cultural reasons
wanderings /’wɒnd(ə)rɪŋz/ journeys in which you go from place to place without staying anywhere very long
whistle-stop tour an occasion when you visit a lot of places in a short period of time
circumnavigation /,sɜ:(r)kəm’nævɪ,ɡeɪt/ to sail or fly completely around something, especially the world or an island
island-hopping to travel from island to island within the same group of islands, especially as part of a holiday
someone’s travels /’træv(ə)l/ a series of journeys that someone makes to different places
L 2 summit /’sʌmɪt/ the top of a mountain
L 13 far-flung far away from where you are or from towns and cities
L 9 crevasse /krə’væs/ a very deep crack in rock or ice
L 5 thoroughly /’θʌrəli/ very much
L 3 acknowledge /ək’nɒlɪdʒ/ to accept or admit that something exists, is true, or is real
L 9 haughty /’hɔ:ti/ proud and unfriendly
L 9 gimmick /’ɡɪmɪk/something that is intended to impress and interest you but is really not at all useful
L 4 albeit /ɔ:l’bi:ɪt/used for introducing a comment that slightly changes or reduces the effect of what you said before it
The United States finally agreed, albeit unwillingly, to support the UN action.
Ready for CAE p 17. The Surprising Truth about what Motivates Us. Extra Listening
In this lecture Dan Pink illustrates the hidden truths behind what really motivates us at home and in the workplace. Pink drives home the point (makes clear by special emphasis and tries to convince us) that traditional motivation schemes – namely, bonuses – rarely achieve their intended results. In fact, the bigger the bonus, the bigger the decline in performance. Or so studies show again and again. So what does motivate us? The desire to be self-directed. The will to master something. The hope to make a contribution. It’s all what Pink calls “the purpose motive,” and it’s the stuff that keeps this site moving along.
Ready for C1 p 13. Rewarding Children. Speaking
A. Interaction
1. Is it necessary for parents to set strict boundaries?
2. How demanding should teachers be?
3. When would you generously reward your son or your daughter?
4. Do we sometimes confuse reward with bribe? Can you think of any examples of students who are "bribed" to do well at school?
5. Imagine a child who is slow to get ready for school, or a child who is always rude, or who is constantly fighting. Do you think rewards can help parents with these behaviour problems? If so, what kind of rewards would you give them? Can you think of other occasions when rewarding a child can improve a situation?
6. Do you think that
children also have to do their duty without expecting to be rewarded? What is a
child’s duty?
7. Do students work harder when they know they will be rewarded for their effort? Can the lack of rewards for hard work compound a problem?
8. Apart from promoting hard work through tangible rewards, how can teachers also foster internal motivation that will encourage a student to want to do their best?
B. Monologue
Partner A
1. Do you think too many
rewards can spoil a child? Where is the limit?
2. Must all rewards be
material rewards? Is there any other kind of rewards?
3. Must we reward
children every time they behave well? When are rewards the most effective?
Partner B
1. Were you ever offered rewards as a child or as a teenager? If so, do you remember what rewards you earned? Did you deserve them? What were you rewarded for? Did they help you to improve?
2. Were you ever given a
reward at school? If so, what did it consist of? Did it encourage you to work harder?
3. Should rewards be based on exam performance or should they be offered in recognition of a child's effort, regardless of results?
Ready for CAE p 14. Jane Austen Had a Very Good Editor. Extra Listening
Ready for CAE p 12. Awards. What is written under the flag?

U.S. President Barack Obama passes by a torn United Nations flag that flew over the bombed Canal Hotel in Iraq in the 2003 attack. The flag was retrieved from the rubble and brought to the UN in New York after a few months. The condition of the blue UN flag wih the hallmark design of laurels around a globe shows the devastation of the blast since the flag had to have been 10 or 20 Ft above the ground at the time.
The flag is now displayed under a plexiglass screen, above an inscription reading: "Fallen in the cause of peace."
You can actually see the full inscription here:

Ready for C1 p 8. Awards. Adverbs of Degree. Speaking
4. Do you know of anyone who has ever turned down an award? If so, why did they reject it? Do you think declining an award is wholly inappropriate or perfectly acceptable?
5. Which of the following criteria do you think should juries take into account when presenting an award: making financial contributions to a project, outstanding achievement, excellence, being highly influential or quite famous? Can you think of any time when an award was given for the wrong reasons? Do you know of any awards that have been a cause for controversy?
B) Monologue
Partner A
1. Do you think awards can change the recipients of an award? Can they help them fulfil a lifelong ambition? Do they get a kick out of it? Do they normally feel absolutely elated? Do they sound extremely proud? Are they truly humbled?Do they seem deeply grateful? Do they often put the award down to their teams' hard work? Do you think the fact that someone has been awarded a prize can go to their head? Can they become extremely egotistical?
2. If you were to create a new award, what award would that be? Would it go to someone who might be fiercely ambitious? immensely talented? exceptionally gifted? extremely inspirational? highly original? Would you recognise and celebrate up-and-coming local talent?
3. Do you think that offering students awards may actually be somewhat counterproductive and could eventually backfire? Should awards be students' primary motivation?Partner B
1. Can, or should, a prize be awarded to two or three people at once? Can awards be given posthumously? Would that be totally unexpected? Would their friends and family find it intensely moving?
2. Do you feel absolutely gutted if one of your favourite films doesn't receive an award? or if your favourite actor is not up for an award? Can you think of other occasions during an awards ceremony on which you have not felt altogether happy?
3. Do you enjoy listening to extremely eloquent thank you speeches? Have they ever got you to look at life from a different angle? Have you ever been moved by a highly emotional speech delivered by a novice actor who has just made their debut? Do you think they were overawed by the occasion?
Useful Language:
Hair dryer, Oscar statue (statuette), glove, peak (visera).
Everyone who they met along the way got a kick out of their music in some way and many attended other gigs.
In the past few years Facebook’s users have skyrocketed as Facebook went mainstream. First among college students, then once it was open to the public, it blew the gates open as millions of new users young and old joined to check out this new social network. I think the Facebook team deserves an award.
She received a posthumous award for her outstanding contribution to…
He received an award for his outstanding achievement as an actor.
With that award he had fulfilled his lifelong ambition of becoming the best player in the world.
A sports award should be given taking into consideration a variety of factors including; effort and improvement; attitude and disposition; contribution to others and commitment towards the sport; sporting ‘role model’ and actual sporting achievement.
Go to somebody's head: (of success, praise, etc.) to make you feel too proud of yourself in a way that other people find annoying.
Have a good head on your shoulders: to be a sensible person
Pretentious: /prɪˈtenʃəs/ trying to appear important, intelligent, etc. in order to impress other people; trying to be something that you are not, in order to impress. E.g. It was just an ordinary house—nothing pretentious. He's so pretentious!
- Be humbled: made less proud, especially by awe or admiration, or by gratitude for help received, an undeserved advantage or honour, etc. Modest: E.g. The land is a perpetual gift; I am humbled like a stranger who is invited to dinner and fed the best food in the house.Read more about adverbs of degree here:
Ready for CAE p 12. Oscars 2011: Film critics' reactions. Extra Listening
2. This critic was expecting the Cohen brothers to win the Oscar.
3. The King’s Speech is the typical British film that the Academy tends to favour.
4. The King’s Speech had difficulty in finding the necessary money to be made.
5. Xan Brookes argues that a director is to be credited for the performances of the actors.
6. Colin Firth is about the best thing in the film.
7. Inception should have got more awards on its technical achievements.
8. The Social Network deserved more awards than what it got.
9. The Social Network is a deeper film than it seems.
10. Natalie Portman's award is not really deserved.
Everything was predictable except for one thing, which is Tom Hooper getting Best Director for The King’s Speech.
2. This critic was expecting the Cohen brothers to win the Oscar. F
Any of the other nominees would would be pretty disappointed... but the Cohen brothers were the least likely to win. But the others are major film makers...
3. The King’s Speech is the typical British film that the Academy tends to favour. T
There is something about a British film that the Academy likes, and the King’s Speech has that in it (aprox).
4. The King’s Speech had no difficulty in finding the necessary money to be made. F
it was turned down for funding... wasn’t seen as a safe be, as a box hit
5. Xan Brookes argues that a director is to be credited for the performances of the actors.
Well, part of the reason why he performed well is because of direction. It raises the question of what a director does in a movie.
6. Colin Firth is about the best thing in the film. T
Colin Firth’s superb performance kind of fools people into thinking it is an emotional film
7. Inception should have got more awards on its technical achievements. T
Inception got a lot of technical awards (although it could have got more.... It has all these visual effects awards, two other technical awards, and of course the cinematography award, because it is a very unusual film
8. The Social Network did not deserve more awards than what it got. F
it came at the lower end of what it expected and deserved.
9. The Social Network is a deeper film than it seems. T
It’s about computers, about people writing code... and it’s about these slightly dysfunctional young people... and probably many people didn’t get what The Social Network was about.
10. Natalie Portman's award is not really deserved. F
Ready for CAE p 12. Awards. Listening. Vocabulary
To turn up: to arrive or appear somewhere, usually unexpectedly or in way that was not planned.
To collect: to go to a place and bring someone or something away from it.
To get a KICK out of sthg: to get a strong feeling of excitement or pleasure. (listen to Frank sinatra on You Tube: I get a kick out of you, by Cole Porter).
Corporate: relating to large companies, or to a particular large company. Eg
Our corporate headquarters are in Madrid.
A powerful group that represents corporate America (=big businesses in the US)
Gig: a single performance.
Mainstream: accepted by most people. Predominante, convencional.
To delete: to erase.
To come close to +-ing: to almost do sthg.
To BREAK a record: The best or fastest ever done. Batir un record.
To put sthg down to sthg else: to attribute.
Up-and-coming: likely to achieve success soon or in the near future. Con mucho futuro, prometedor.
Resounding: complete. Used for emphasizing how successful or unsuccessful someone or something is. Eg a resounding success/victory/defeat
To punch: to hit with one’s fist.
To show off: to behave in a way intended to attract attention or admiration that other people find annoying. Alardear, presumir.
To starve: to become very weak or die, because there is not enough food to eat.
dizzy: feeling as if everything is spinning round and being unable to keep your balance and about to fall down. Mareado.
To be concerned WITH
To have a go: to try.
My story is much to sad to be told
But practically everything leaves me totally cold
The only exception I know is the case
When I’m out on a quiet spree, fighting vainly the old ennui
Then I suddenly turn and see
Your fabulous face
I get no kick from champagne
Mere alcohol doesnt thrill me at all
So tell me why should it be true
That I get a kick out of you
Some like the perfume from Spain
I’m sure that if I took even one sniff
It would bore me terrifically too
But I get a kick out of you
( some like the bop-type refrain )
( Im sure that if, I heard even one riff )
( it would bore me terrifically too )
( but I get a kick out of you )
( some they may go for cocaine )
( Im sure that if, I took even one sniff )
( it would bore me terrifically too )
( but I get a kick out of you )
I get a kick every time I see you standing there before me
I get a kick though its clear to see, you obviously do not adore me
I get no kick in a plane
Flying too high with some gal in the sky
Is my idea of nothing to do
But I get a kick out of you