Open World WB p 14. Adventures. Speaking


A Have a conversation as natural as possible with a partner about the topic. Use the pictures above and the questions below to help you.


1. Tell us about chance encounters with strangers you have had. Did any of them give you a big thrill? Did any of them mark a turning point in your life?

2. Do you know how much spending money you need to take when you go on holiday? Do you try to spend it all? Do you tend to splash out on anything in particular when you travel?

3. Have you ever felt burnt-out? What was it down to? What did you do about it?

4. Do you mind being tied down by a full-time job?

5. What would be the drawbacks of  setting off without a penny to your name? Do you mind roughing it?

6. What film have you seen that remained true to the spirit of the book? Have you ever felt deluded by a film adaptation of a novel?

7. Do the more 'educated' youngsters of our society generally exhibiting more restrained behaviour than previous generations did? Do you believe that the world is their oyster?

8. Have you ever had a tailored adventure holiday experience where you can be free to be yourself in a safe, non-judgemental environment?

9.  Has an astonishingly vivid memory of an adventure stayed with you since the day it happened?

10. What adventures have you had that have proven to be a steep learning curve?

11. Your Instagram feed is the constantly updating list of photos and videos that appears when you open the Instagram app. How much time do you spend a day scrolling it down? Does this activity help you to cheer up when you are at a low ebb?

12. Before embarking on an adventure, do you draw up a detailed plan? Do you do regular reviews of your gear? Have you ever ditched anything of value you didn't need but was weighing you down?

13. What has improved tenfold in your life?  

Student A


1. Should we wear our mistakes as a badge of honour Do we grow from our past failures? Have you ever had any knock-backs?

2. Do people sometimes get the cold shoulder from the people they least expect it? Why do you think this is? 

3. Is a happy marriage with children making you neglect your friends? How can you balance both worlds? Is friendship sometimes overlooked in our society? 

Student B 

1. Would in your opinion bed and board compensate for a low salary? 

2. What scheme or programme has been up and running for some time now and is going very well?

3. Have you ever had a car breakdown in the middle of nowhere? Did you pop the bonnet open? Were you able to get to the bottom of the problem? Did you have to ask for a tow truck?

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