EF p 98. Clive’s Digital Detox. Listening


  1. Being a journalist…

  1. Clive needs to be available any time.

  2. Clive gets to travel at all times.

  3. he gets calls non-stop.

2. How would you rate Clive’s phone usage?

  1. He’s hooked on his phone.

  2. He’s more of a work-based phone user.

  3. He’s a regular phone user with some game apps.

3.  During the first days of the challenge…

  1. he would struggle in the evenings.

  2. he forgot his phone at home.

c. he managed to control his football addiction.

4. As for his last days of the challenge…

a. he was bored as he was not working.

b. he desperately checked the news.

c. he admitted cheating for work purposes.

5. What did the experiment teach him?

a. It revealed a misconception he had.

b. He is more of a face-to-face person.

c. He realised he could control his phone.

6. How did the overall experience work?

  1. He spent longer on his phone with less interruptions.

  2. His phone time increased along with the frequency.

  3. All in all, it was as successful as it could be.








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