It is believed that mindfulness (1)_________________ the delights of everyday living. As a matter of fact, even the most insignificant experiences can become (2)________________ again.
Firstly, before (3)___________________ the chocolate bar, choose one you are not so familiarised with. It doesn't matter if it's dark and (4)___________________, organic, or (5)________________. It could be one you consume only (6)_______________.
As you unwrap it, become aware of how the (7)_____________________ feels.
While you are (8)_____________________ the aroma, let it (9)_________________ over you.
Having broken a piece off, let your eyes (10)______________/ ______________ its appearance at the same time that you also examine every (11)______________/ _____________/ _____________.
When (12)________________ it in your mouth, observe how the tongue receives it.
Pay attention to any attempts to (13)_____________ it.
In case your mind starts (14)_____________________ imagine gently (15)_________________ it back to the present moment.
While you are (16)_____________________ it let it (17)____________________ down your throat.
What do you (18)____________/_____________ the fact that it seemed to taste better?
If we weren't on (19)_____________________, we wouldn't miss so much of our everyday lives.
Mindfulness helps us to bring (20)______________________ to the ordinary tasks of daily living.
1. (greatly) enhances
2. captivating
3. unwrapping
4. flavoursome
flavoursome: having a lot of flavour
5. fair-trade
fair-trade: involving trade that supports producers in low-income countries by paying fair prices and making sure that workers have good working conditions and fair pay.
We buy our bananas from fair-trade sources.
a range of fair-trade foods
6. rarely
7. wrapping
8. inhailing
9. sweep
sweep over: to move over and cover someone or something.
Floodwaters swept over the small town.
10. drink in
drink something in to look at or listen to something with great interest and pleasure. Sp. absorber.
We just stood there drinking in the scenery.
11. nook and cranny
every nook and cranny every part of a place; every aspect of a situation.
The wind blew into every nook and cranny.
We looked in every nook and cranny. Sp. buscamos hasta el último rincón
She always explored every nook and cranny of a business deal.
12. popping
13. chew
14. wandering