EF p 78. Ex 5. You will hear an American journalist, Sam Greenspan, talking about the Timex survey. Choose the correct answer.
1. Given Sam’s experience on how people tend to behave before losing patience, the results of the survey…
All of them seemed about right
Some could be right but some were implausible
Seemed wildly unlikely
2. When waiting for people to stop talking at the movie theatre, the times vary depending on…
If you are in happy atmosphere
If you are watching a moving story
It doesn’t really bug them at all
3. When it comes to waiting for a blind date…
Romantic comedies had created false expectations when it comes to this
People don’t seem to be bothered at all by waiting almost half an hour
He believes the survey got this one right
4. If you have someone talking too loudly on the phone next to you, Sam recommends…
Make sure to use your face to express your discontent
Let them know you are annoyed
Having more patience than him
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