Part 2 (4.5)
Beverly finds (1)________________ texts the most challenging to translate, not least due to the (2)__________________ that should be given to both the writer and the original version.
The interviewer would like to know whether the translators of novels are usually also novelists in (3)__________________.
Being able to communicate with (4)______________ authors makes the task of a translator less daunting.
Slogans have to be (5)______________.
"Sensation of living" sounds (6)_______________ in English.
Titles are not supposed to be translated (7)______________________.
There are special (8)_______________________ when translating subtitles. This is why the translation is sometimes a (9)_____________________.
You can (10)____________________ the idea but it would be too long to explain it.
Some of the mistranslations might be down to the fact that the translators might have (11)___________________ what has been said.
Humour based on (12)_____________________ can be untranslatable.
(13)________or _________ words might sound much more offensive in another language.
1. literary
2. consideration
3. their own right
4. living
5. punchy
punchy: (of a speech, song, etc.) having a strong effect because it expresses something clearly in only a few words. E.g. a bright, punchy style of writing.
6. weird
7. accurately
8. constraints
9. paraphrase
10. get across
get across (to somebody) | get something across (to somebody) to be communicated or understood; to succeed in communicating something.
Your meaning didn't really get across.
He's not very good at getting his ideas across.
11. misheard
12. wordplay
13. taboo or swear