EF p 12. 25 Jobs Before She Was 25. Cloze

Emma Rosen had one of the best, (1)___________ sought-after graduate jobs in the country, in the civil service. 20,000 people apply, but (2)____________ than 1,000 are offered jobs. But it turned (3)___________ that she didn’t like commuting and she didn’t like sitting (4)___________ a desk all day, and she struggled to see how (5)____________ she was doing would make much difference to anything. ‘I thought, ‘Get (6)_____________ it, you’re being a snowflake millennial,’’ she says. ‘I had a job for life. I thought, ‘I’m so lucky to be here, I can’t believe I’m not enjoying it. What’s wrong with me? (7)___________ am I so ungrateful and selfish?’’ 
Emma (8)_____________ have gone to work every day and complained (9)________________ her job (10)__________________ she reached retirement age. (11)_____________, she decided to find out what made her happy, what her skills were, and what sort of career (12)____________ use them. She wrote a bucket (13)_____________ of the jobs she had wanted to do (14)____________ childhood and set (15)_____________ getting two-week placements in all of them, over the course of a year. She was 24 years old, and before her 25th birthday she wanted to have tried out at (16)______________ 25 different jobs. She spent the months before she resigned from the civil service saving up her salary to cover the cost of her year off, and spent all her free time setting (17)____________ the different jobs. 
‘There was archaeology in Transylvania, property development for a company in London, alpaca farming in Cornwall, wedding photography, travel writing, interior design, journalism, landscape gardening, marketing, TV production, publishing – all things that I thought I (18)____________ want to do.’


1. most

2. fewer

3. out

4. at

5. what

6. over

7. Why

8. could

9. about

10. until

11. Instead

12. would

13. list

14. since

15. about

16. least

17. up

set up: organise
Can we set up a meeting for 8 November?

18. might

Ready for C1 p 5. Boot Found on Everest. Open Cloze and Listening

It was the call the family of a young British climber (1)_____________ went missing on Everest 100 years ago had given (2)_______________ hope of ever getting.
Last month, a team of climbers filming a National Geographic documentary stumbled (3)______________ a preserved boot, revealed by melting ice on a glacier.
This boot was believed (4)______________ belong to Andrew Comyn "Sandy" Irvine, who disappeared while attempting to climb Everest in June 1924 with his partner George Mallory.
What's (5)______________, it could potentially help solve one of mountaineering's biggest mysteries: (6)______________ or not the pair succeeded (7)___________ becoming the first people to summit Everest, 29 years before Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the top.
Well-known adventurer Jimmy Chin, who led the team for National Geographic, hailed the discovery of the boot - with a foot inside it - (8)_______________ a "monumental and emotional moment".
A number of people have searched (9)____________ Irvine's body over the years, partly because the 22-year-old is said to have been carrying a camera with an undeveloped film inside, potentially with a photograph of the pair at the summit.
Could the discovery of the boot be the first step to finding his body - and the camera?
The family have now given a DNA sample to help confirm the foot is indeed Irvine - but the filmmaking team is fairly confident it belongs to the mountaineer. The sock found inside the boot has a name tag stitched into it with the words "A.C. Irvine".
"I mean, dude... there's a label on it," Chin, who is known for making Oscar-winning climbing documentary Free Solo alongside his wife, (10)____________ quoted as saying in a National Geographic report.
The team made the discovery as they descended the Central Rongbuk Glacier by the north face of Everest in September.
Along the way, they found an oxygen bottle marked with the date 1933. An Everest expedition that year had found an item belonging to Irvine.
Energised by this possible sign that Irvine's body could be nearby, the team searched the glacier for several days, before one of them saw the boot emerging from melting ice.
It was a fortuitous find - they estimated the ice had only melted a week before their discovery.
The foot has since been removed from the mountain because of concerns that ravens were disturbing it, according to reports, and passed to the Chinese mountaineering authorities who govern the north face of Everest.
For Irvine's descendants, the discovery has been emotional - especially in this, the centenary year of his disappearance.
Summers had grown up hearing stories of her grandmother's adventurous, Oxford-educated younger brother, who they knew as "Uncle Sandy".
"My grandmother had a photo of him by her bed until the day she died," she recalled. "She said he was a better man than anyone would ever be."
Birkenhead-born Irvine was just 22 when he disappeared, the youngest member of an expedition that has intrigued the mountaineering world for a century.
He and Mallory were last seen alive on 8 June 1924 as they set off for the peak.
Mallory's body would not be found until 1999 by an American climber.
In recent decades, the search for the climbers' remains has been mired in controversy amid suspicions that the bodies were moved.
Summers has always dismissed those stories and suspicions, revealing her feeling of "relief" following the Chin's call that "he was still there on the mountain".
But what if it could now be proved that Irvine and Mallory reached the summit, becoming the first to do so - an idea which, Summers acknowledged, would "turn mountaineering history onto its head"?
"It would be nice - we would all feel very proud," she said. "But the family has always maintained the mystery, and the story of how far they got and how brave they were, was really what it was about."
And anyway, she said, "the only way we will ever know is if we find a picture in the camera he was believed to be carrying".
The search, she suspects, will now continue for that camera. "I think it will be irresistible," she said. Whether it will be found remains to be seen.
Chin, meanwhile, is hoping that the boot's discovery - "a monumental and emotional moment for us and our entire team on the ground" - will "finally bring peace of mind to his relatives and the climbing world at large".
For Summers, it is a chance to remind the world about a young man "who took life and lived it", embracing every opportunity - and above all, was "having fun". But perhaps surprisingly, she and her cousins are grateful the older generation were not here for this discovery. "For them, Everest is his grave," she explained.

Adapted from The BBC


1. who

2. up

3. on/ upon/ across
stumble across/on/upon something/somebody
to discover something/somebody unexpectedly or by chance. Come across.
I stumbled across Thompson outside the hotel.
Researchers have stumbled upon a drug that may help patients with Parkinson’s disease.

4. to

5. more

6. whether
"whether or not" focuses on the uncertainty or doubt about a particular event

7. in

8. as
hail somebody/something as something
to describe someone or something as being very good. Sp. considerar como
Union leaders hailed the socialists’ victory as a huge step forward.
This latest piece of technology is being hailed as the answer to all our problems.

9. for

10. was

Andrew Irvine went missing with the (1)___________ Explorer George Mallory.
A sock (2)_______________ with Mr Irvin name AC Irvine and a boot have been found on the North Face of Mount Everest.
The two explorers disappeared together during their (3)________________ attempt to summit the highest mountain on Earth.
Jimmy chin's team discovered a foot in a boot with the name tag "AC Irvine" (4)____________ into the sock.
It is hoped that this discovery will help us understand more about what happened in that (5)_____________ climb.
He was a brave young man with an (6)________________ for adventure.
His name is (7)_____________ linked with George Mallory and Mount Everest and the tragedy of 1924.
AC Irvine was a great (8)_____________ and a skier.
The sites of Irvine's great adventure became his final (9)_____________ place.


1. renowned

2. embroidered

3. ill-fated

4. stitched

5. fateful
having an important, often very bad, effect on future events.
She looked back now to that fateful day in December. his final fateful journey to Moscow
Sp. fatídico, transcendental

6. appetite

7. inextricably
if two things are inextricably linked, etc., it is impossible to separate them.
Europe's foreign policy is inextricably linked with that of the US.
She had become inextricably involved in the campaign

8. oarsman

/ˈɔːzmən/ a man who rows a boat, especially as a member of a crew (= team)


9. resting

EF C1.1 p 133. Travel and Tourism. Speaking. Word formation. Sample Answer

  1. How can travel broaden our mind? 
  2. What impact does tourism have on an area?


Hey, Mark! How are you doing?

Mark: Hi, Eva! I’m doing great, thank you. Just got back from my trip to the Scottish Highlands. It was utterly brilliant!

Eva: Oh, that sounds pretty (1)_______________ (AMAZE)! I’ve always fancied a visit to Scotland. What was it like?

Mark: It was absolutely (2)________________ (BREATH)! I decided to go off the (3)____________ (BEAT) track and explore some of the more (4)___________________ (SECLUDE) areas. The landscapes were so (5)_______________ (SPOIL) and (6)______________(PICTURE), (7)___________ (LIKE) anything I’ve ever seen before.

Eva: Blimey, that sounds like a proper adventure. I’m fed up with touristy spots; they can be so (8)_________________ (CROWD) and (9)_____________ (SOUL).

Mark: Spot on! That’s why I opted for more remote locations. It really allowed me to connect with nature and (10)___________ (CHARGE) my batteries.

Eva: I totally get that. I recently went on a trip to Italy, and while places like Rome and Venice were (11)__________________ (STUN), they were also (12)_______________ (CHOCK) with tourists, which was somewhat (13)______________________ (OVERWHELM).

Mark: I can imagine. It’s a shame when beautiful places become (14)_____________ (RUN) with visitors and lose their charm. Did you manage to find any (15)_______________ (HIDE) gems while you were there?

Eva: Fortunately, yes! I stumbled upon this quaint little village (16)_______________ (NESTLE) in the Tuscan countryside. It was so charming and authentic, in contrast to the more spoilt areas.

Mark: That sounds lovely. It’s those (17)_________________ (FREQUENT) spots that often leave the biggest impression on us, don’t you think?

Eva: Absolutely! They offer a glimpse into the true essence of a place, away from the hustle and bustle of mass tourism.

Mark: Couldn’t agree more. So, do you reckon travel has the power to (18)______________ (BROAD) our minds and (19)__________________ (RICH) our lives?

Eva: Definitely. Experiencing different cultures and environments opens our eyes to new perspectives and ways of life. It’s like a journey of self-discovery.

Mark: I couldn’t have put it better myself. Travelling allows us to break out of our comfort zones and embrace new experiences, (20)____________________ (ULTIMATE) shaping who we are as individuals.

Eva: Exactly. And I think it’s important for us to be (21)________________ (MIND) travellers, respecting the places we visit and their communities.

Mark: I think we're on the same page here. Sustainable and responsible tourism is key to preserving the beauty and (22)____________________ (AUTHENTIC) of destinations for generations to come.

Eva: You took the words right out of my mouth, Mark. It’s been great discussing this with you. Thanks for sharing your (23)________________ (SIGHT)!

Mark: (24)________________ (LIKE), Eva! It’s always a pleasure to (25)______________ (CHANGE) thoughts with someone who shares a passion for exploration and discovery





1. amazing




2. breathtaking 



3. beaten 



4. secluded

secluded/sɪˈkluːdɪd/ quiet and private.


 a secluded garden/beach/corner 

We managed to find a secluded spot for our picnic




5. unspoilt

unspoilt: beautiful because it has not been changed or built on.


unspoiled countryside 

It’s a country of stunning landscapes and unspoiled beaches. 




6. picturesque 




7. unlike 



8. overcrowded 




9. soulless

soulless: not having any attractive or interesting qualities that make people feel happy. Depressing.


They live in soulless concrete blocks.
A soulless city of grey concrete 




10. recharge




11. stunning




12. chock-a-block

chock-a-block (with something/somebody) very full of things or people pressed close together.


The shelves were chock-a-block with ornaments. 

It was chock-a-block in town today (= full of people) 

13. overwhelming

overwhelming: very great or very strong; so powerful that you cannot resist it or decide how to react.  Having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and do not know how to react. Sp. abrumador.


She found the city quite overwhelming when she first arrived.

The evidence against him was overwhelming. 

The overwhelming majority of those present were in favour of the plan. 

an overwhelming sense of loss 

She had the almost overwhelming desire to tell him the truth. 

You may find it somewhat overwhelming at first. 

There was overwhelming support for our policies.

14. overrun

overrun: if a place is overrun by unwanted things or people, they spread over it in great numbers. Sp. infestar.

be overrun by/with something 


a tiny island overrun by tourists 

The house was overrun with mice

15. hidden




16. nestled

nestle: + adv./prep. to be located in a position that is protected, sheltered or partly hidden. Sp. recogerse.


The little town nestles snugly at the foot of the hill 

17. unfrequented

unfrequented: not often visited by many people.

an unfrequented spot

18. broaden




19. enrich




20. ultimately

ultimately: in the end; finally.

A poor diet will ultimately lead to illness.
He is ultimately responsible for the actions of the rebels he leads.
Ultimately, you'll have to make the decision yourself. 

21. mindful

mindful: remembering somebody/something and considering them or it when you do something
SYNONYM conscious. Sp. consciente.


mindful of somebody/something 

mindful of our responsibilities

Mindful of the danger of tropical storms, I decided not to go out.

mindful that… 

She is mindful that the election result was very close last time. 

22. authenticity




23. insights

insight: an understanding of what something is like. Knowledge and understanding. Sp. conocimiento.

There are many valuable insights in her book.
His work offers several useful insights.
insight into something 

The book gives us fascinating insights into life in Mexico.
I hope you have gained some insight into the difficulties we face 




24. Likewise




25. exchange